Thursday, May 14, 2009

How to Get Rid of Cellulite the Same Way I Did

Before I start, let me give you a short introduction. My name is Cathy Tidwell and I am going to show you a really good solution that I found for cellulite. I have had cellulite on my body from I was in my early twenties. I’m going to tell the truth and reveal that I could stand to lose a few pounds, but I see many overweight women all the time that don’t have cellulite, so I doubt that my cellulite is due to me not being skinny. The humiliating thing was that apparently I had cellulite for a long time and didn’t even know it. I bet you would never guess how I found out. A couple years back, several of my girlfriends and I took a trip to the beach for an afternoon of fun under the sun. I got into a little argument with one my friends, and out of the blue she hit me below the belt and said that I was fat and had the ugliest cellulite that she had ever seen. Well after I got home from my extremely embarrassing experience, I looked at mysef in the mirror. I had cellulite on my butt, my legs and my thighs. I started doing internet research to discover a treatment to reduce this stupid cellulite.

I stumbled upon useful articles and reviews on how to get rid of cellulite after about ten hours on the net. I learned that the celebrities air brush themselves to hide cellulite. I also discovered that I would be able to get rid of my cellulite through cosmetic surgery, diet and exercise, or using topical creams or creams. I love food, and am not a big fan of exercises to build muscle and I knew nothing about creams, so I decided to explore surgery. I made an appointment to see a plastic surgeon in my area. He was actually very nice but he told me two things:

1. The surgery would unfortunately not be covered by medical insurance and the surgeon’s fees and facility fee would come to a grand total of $5500.

2. The second thing he told me the surgery carries a high health risk becasue it involves liposuction and the body takes a long time to heal. There is also bad pain in the recovery period.

These comments from the doctor disappointed me because I certainly didn’t have five thousand dollars laying around. I also did not like that it was so risky. So back to the internet I went. I tried cellulite product after product, but i didn’t give up. I was determined to change my life. Want to hear the good news? On my fourth attempt, I found a natural product that WORKED to cure my cellulite.

This is what happened:

1. My cellulite went away in five weeks! Did you catch that? FIVE WEEKS!

2. The effect was that my cellulite has not come back. I don’t have one single mark anymore.

I am now as happy with my appearance as can be. I could cry tears of joy. I try to pamper myself and go to the spa now because I feel great. I don’t have to be embarrassed around guys or when I go to the beach or pool. Try it. You’ll never regret it.


  1. Cellulite is not only an aesthetic problem, but a metabolic disease (related to the changes experienced by substances absorbed by the body) characterized by impairment of adiposities (fat storing cells), which is swollen due to accumulation of water, fat and toxins under the skin.

    Cellulite is the condition affecting indiscriminately to all types of women (young or middle-aged, thin or overweight), so fighting it depends on each person.

    How to lose body fat and how to prevent cellulite this only requires discipline and will apply in two basic points:
    Watch your diet. To reduce the disturbance, follow a balanced diet. Avoid eating outside the established schedule and limit alcohol, caffeine, and snuff. Also, drink at least eight glasses (2 liters) of water a day.
    Do not stay seated. Exercise, even in moderation, will help keep "in line" problem. If you have time to undergo routine gym, walk 20 minutes three times a week.

  2. Cellulite is a condition characterized by clumping and large, irregular deposits of fat in the hips, buttocks and thighs due to lost tone and elasticity of the veins located in these regions. To get flat belly and reduce cellulite from hips, thigh and buttock need balanced diet.
    Drink 2 to 3 liters of water, as the widespread perception that drinking lots of fluids helps retention, is wrong.
    Reduce salt intake because it alters the flow of blood and water stored in tissues.

  3. Cellulite usually occurs in puberty and affects hips, thighs and buttocks, which comes to feel heaviness and pain. To get rid of cellulite
    Reduce consumption of fat, salt and sugars.
    Increase intake of fruits, vegetables, grains and water.
    Aerobic exercise and sit ups and squats, as they help to keep muscles flexible and strong.
    Use Weight Loss Supplement, anti-cellulite gels, Natural Slimming Pills and creams.
    Give massage mitt in the affected areas in the shower, the movements must be circular and always bottom up.
    Use aromatic oils, stimulating circulation, the most recommended are the eucalyptus, lemon, lavender, sage, rosemary, juniper, geranium and verbena.
